LMCP-28H-NG Light Mobile Computing Platform
- 2x 100/1000Base-X HMA uplinks
- 8x 10/100/1000Base-T switched PoE LAN ports
- 3x or 5x 10/100/1000Base-T routed WAN ports – 1x of them 10GBase-T
The OPTOKON introduces the LMCP-28H-NG new generation of highly versatile mobile computing platform which delivers a powerful and rugged network router, network switch, server and VoIP call manager in a single low-SWaP device. As the center of the mobile data network, it provides an integrated and versatile communications server for military, public safety, C4ISR and other network-centric communications systems.
The system is equipped with power full Intel® Xeon® processor which delivers exceptional value and unmatched performance density per watt in an SoC package, high capacity RAM, two removable Storage disc SSD and wide range of connection ports, both fiber optic and copper wires. The LMCP is available in rugged boxes to fill all demands on communication system used in harsh environmental conditions. Fiber optic ports are equipped with rugged HMA connectors operated according to Expanded Beam technology, which allows to use all advantages of highspeed data transmission in field conditions.
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